Sunday, April 27, 2014

Working in partnership in health and social care or children and young people's settings.

1. Understand partnership working.

1.1 - Identify the features of effective partnership working.

Partnership working has been a recurrent public policy for the last 40 years for health and social care; different solutions have been presented along the way, such as a single system by full integration. Current and previous attempts at partnership working have risen directly out underlying assumptions that underpin our current welfare system. 1940’s legislation set up the current welfare state that assumed it was easy to differentiate between those who were sick and had health needs, to those that were disabled and had social care needs. This underlying assumption has created very different organisations, with very different structures and ways of working, including all the subsequent complexities that partnership working entails. (Glasby, 2010 p.17-18)
Being able to look and analyse the system that created partnership working may perhaps attempt to explain where these complexities began within social work, what that means to the profession and to service users, carers and the community. 
Developments in partnership working began in 1997, which was the year of Tony Blair’s New Labour landslide victory, with this came promises of reform across many different sectors such as education and employment. Within their manifesto were promises of rebuilding the NHS by increased spending on patient care and the seventh manifesto included a promise of building stronger communities, laying the foundations for a better welfare state and community care.
The delivery of services was to be focussed on partnership working not only between health and social care but also between service users themselves. This is exemplified in the white paper “Shifting the Balance of Power within the NHS (DoH 2001). This set out the implementation of strategy for the NHS plan but seemed to stress the dominant role of health rather than social care. However the emphasis was on joint working across a wider range of partners. Local strategic partnerships where designed to align plans for service development with the introduction of Health Improvement Modernisation Plans (HiMP). (Macdonald, 2006. P142) Each health authority is obliged to produce a HiMP to set the strategic framework for improving health, this modernisation also needed applying to how services were planned with key partners such as local authorities and voluntary organisations. 

1.2 - Explain the importance of partnership working with:

Ø  Colleagues
Partnership working has been shown to have benefits for staff; it has been found to give more clarity regarding roles and responsibilities and is also linked with lower levels of stress.
Staff working in partnership with a service user’s family will become more aware of families' individual needs, and know more about an elderly person's home context, thus enabling them to be aware of how the care home is different or similar to their own home and understand the elderly person’s behaviour with this in mind.

Ø  Other professionals
Effective partnership amongst care home workers and other professions such as health care workers relies on a recognition that all parties care about the same goal: that of promoting the health of the service user.
Each might take a ‘different path’ to achieving this goal, but this should be the common agenda.   Partnership could be enhanced by ensuring the service user was placed at the centre of everything, and that a proactive, ‘whole person’ approach was taken to care.   Partnership working is improved when professionals in the care home and health and social care sectors link together to anticipate problems and take a more preventative approach to health.
Linked to this recognition of common goals, effective partnership requires a clear understanding of, and respect for, each other’s roles in the process of care.   Assumptions around a lack of knowledge or different perceptions of the status of each sector may hinder this.

Ø  Others
Service Users The main impacts on service users is their improved access to services, through speedier and more appropriate referral, and a greater focus on prevention and early intervention. Partnership working can make improvements to the lives of service users through more focused support.
Families Partnership working with families of service users ensures families feel like equal partners within the process.
Partnership working builds a positive and non-judgmental relationship with the family concerned, by ensuring that multi-agency service provision is delivered in a timely and coordinated manner where all involved in the process are empowered to deliver their role optimally. Information sharing with family members ensures they have more knowledge and as such more understanding of service provision. By drawing services together in a coherent partnership we can ensure that the family needs to tell its ‘story' only once. Partnership working may empower families to seek out help and advice if they need it. Partnership working is also about engaging whole families, making sure everyone's opinions are heard and listened to. With a 'whole family' approach, we can ensure we're meeting everyone's needs and that's what makes the lasting difference.

1.3 - Analyse how partnership working delivers better outcomes.

Partnership working across health and social care is seen as being at the heart of providing seamless care and avoiding fragmentation There has also been a major shift in focus towards the outcomes that services deliver, addressed most recently, for England, in the New Outcomes Framework for Performance Assessment of Adult Social Care (CSCI, 2006).
Outcomes for Professionals:
þ  Professionals involved in partnership working report that they enjoy it and that they find it rewarding and stimulating.
þ  For those involved in developing new working approaches, there is the element of job satisfaction from the creativity and autonomy from the experience.
þ  Two studies that explored partnership working within the context of health and social care, reported gains in confidence among professionals, improved relationships with other professionals and improved relationships with families.

ý  There may be a number of negative impacts on professional identities that could arise from partnership working between health and social care agencies. The expansion of new roles within a team could lead to confusion regarding roles amongst team members and to uncertainty about roles, including some individual questioning of what their role might be within new contexts. Role demarcation as a challenge of partnership working can occasionally be a problem.

Outcomes for service users:
þ  The improvement of services. In a study of good practice in multi-agency working it was found that services were improved for those clients who were accessing more than one service or organisation – especially those using jointly provided services or those within multi-agency case-review meetings.
þ  Better access to services and services having a more preventative/early intervention focus. One of the impacts for service users is gaining access to services not available previously and easier/quicker access to services. In a study of the impact of multi-agency working service users with complex health care needs found that the ‘key worker’ function in the multi-agency activity was particularly instrumental in bringing about improved access to services.
þ  Reduce stigma attached to accessing services.
þ  A positive impact on professional identities, which a study found arose from multi-agency work between health and social care was that individuals felt more accountable. For example, if they said in the context of a multi-agency team meeting that they would action a particular item, then they made sure that they did.

Example of a positive outcome as a result of partnership working:
An assessment of a lady who was referred to the home led to an understanding that her husband- Mr B was working full time and also caring for her with a complex long term condition. Following a number of discussions with the referring social worker, Mr and Mrs B and Mr and Mrs B’s family, it was decided that Mr B could in fact continue to look after Mrs B in her own home and that we as a care home could assist him in supporting her until if/when she needed to come in to the home. Mr B agreed to complete a carers’ assessment with the support of the social services. Mr B’s main concern was balancing his work and caring roles.

Through partnership working, together we identified the following options and support:
F  Mr B attending a training course, with other carers, aimed at supporting him to look at ways of dealing with the emotional and practical impact of caring for his wife.
F  We carried out a thorough assessment of Mrs B’s needs, with Mr B, their social worker, and the wider family. This resulted in Mrs B being offered a place at the home for respite care during the day when Mr B was at work.
F  Talking to his wider family about being involved in supporting his wife.

Ten months on from the original contact the assessment and support has resulted in:
F  Mr B being able to continue to work knowing that his wife is supported and happy at the home. As a result his work is again more satisfying and less stressful.
F  Mrs B had access to nutritional meals and social activities which extended her networks of support but also gave her new friends and interests. It was also preparing her for when/if she needed to come to the home for a longer stay or to move in permanently, as she (and Mr B and the rest of the family) would be familiar with the way the home worked and know the carers and other residents.
F  Mr and Mrs B’s family were made aware of the limitations of the home and what care requirements would need to be met by the family, which previously they had not been aware of, this allowed Mr B a wider circle of support and gave more contacts for Mrs B if she struggled in the day without him. This in turn increased the sense of security for both Mr B and Mrs B
F  Mr B having continued contact with the carers at the home who were able to offer peer support and social contact, which because of his work/caring role balance he had previously been without.

Social Services, the care home manager, the family and importantly Mr and Mrs B all understood who was responsible for which elements of Mrs B’s care. They all contributed to the review of this set up and provided feedback on any issues which may have affected o(r may go on to affect) the smooth functioning of this partnership arrangement.

1.4 - Explain how to overcome barriers to partnership working.

A barrier to partnership working may be the need for more mutual respect between the agencies involved in a service user’s care. For instance Health professionals are sometimes seen as patronising by pointing out the obvious in terms of caring for older people – but then again, some care homes need basic prompting on care that is being provided.
There may be a concern about the level recognition of the role care homes play in managing and identifying subtle changes in older people’s conditions.   There may be a power dynamic which means that health professionals working in the NHS feel more powerful, more professional, and of a higher status than care home staff, which impacts on equal partnership working.
Ø  There needs to be an emphasis on the building of good quality relationships, based on trust between agencies and a greater equality in relationships.
Ø  Fundamental to improving working relationships, is the idea that there needs to be a greater blurring of boundaries to promote ‘joined-up’ working.
Ø  ‘Joined-up’ working would also be enhanced if the paper work involved was made more common and if communication systems (such as IT) were more compatible and equitable.
Ø  Sharing education, training and workforce development could also improve matters, as could the existence of joint performance monitoring and agreed outcome measures.
Ø  Effective communication between agencies is essential to good partnership working.   Some staff could feel very isolated and this should be reduced through the creation of support networks and by reaching out to other partner groups.
Ø  Interaction needs to be on-going, and different agencies need to be mindful of the need to reduce jargon to promote clarity of understanding.
Ø  Inclusion of the views of patients and carers is also important to the communication process, as a means of helping staff to look at things in new ways and to bring diversity and creativity to the process.
Ø  Carers may benefit from building up relationships with named individuals in organisation.

‘It’s who you know!’   Promoting personal contacts and relationships should result in better access to services, better sharing of information and as a means of reducing feelings of isolation and of being overwhelmed by issues
A priority for me as a team leader would be to facilitate more effective partnerships by addressing negative attitudes: both those of individuals and the separate partner organisations, and those within society in general.
Ø  Individuals need to be more prepared to ask for help and be committed to sharing information and investment.
Ø  Organisations and separate staff groups need to work towards a better pro-active approach to care and to develop a better understanding of role strengths and what is important for different partners.
Ø   Respect and understanding of roles needs to be demonstrated by appropriate use of language and inclusion:
Poor attitudes within society in general need to be changed in relation to the care sector, in order to promote better working and care provision.   Poor public perception and low wage scales for staff in care homes might result in a reluctance to choose the care sector as a career, for instance.   Primarily though, work to address poor attitudes to the care sector is needed to start with addressing attitudes within the sector itself.

Establishing joint training across health and social care is crucial means of promoting effective partnership working.   Better training of care home staff could also reduce demand on health care professionals and improve social care assessment and communication with health professionals.
Ø  The provision of opportunity for individual cross-sector learning – such as through having of student nurse or Allied Health Professional placements in care homes, or by encouraging the shadowing of roles across partner organisations
Ø  The establishment of shared learning networks, where partners could both disseminate good practice and jointly reflect on error reporting or audit
Ø  The provision of specific training for targeted staff by specialist workers – such as where District Nurses train care home staff in catheter care, for example : Partnership working is likely to be improved through better education of individuals working in the field; especially if this focuses on improving their understanding of other services and roles through opportunity to work in other areas or settings.   Particular attention needs to be given to the following areas:
F  Creation of more placement opportunities in care homes for student nurses, OT’s, physiotherapists and others (including GNVQ students from colleges, perhaps).
F  Creation of more shadowing opportunities right across health and social care.
F  Creation of more opportunities for specialists to come into care homes to provide guidance and education (for example: hospital discharge staff to visit an older person in a care home and update staff re managing their health needs).

2. Be able to establish and maintain working relationships with Colleagues.

2.1 - Explain own role and responsibilities in working with colleagues.

Successful joint working between health and social care staff is a vital component of improving the lives of vulnerable adults and children. Objectives of joint working include:
F  Streamlining assessments and preventing families from having to give the same information to multiple professionals.
F  Improving information sharing between professionals.
F  Improving the efficiency of the care system as a whole.
F  Co-ordinating the provision of care.
F  Improving the planning and commissioning of care so that health and social care services complement rather than disrupt each other.

It is important in my role to maintain a professional approach whilst upholding my workplace principles and values. it would be up to me to set tasks and clear objectives for my colleagues which should be SMART, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and there should be timescales. Wherever possible I should involve colleagues in the decision making process when setting objectives. By listening and accepting colleague’s ideas, suggestions and opinions I will make sure that they feel important and acknowledged in the work that they are doing. This will make it more likely they take ownership of the objectives and feel more valued and work more actively to achieve the desired outcomes. It is important that I support colleagues and give them feedback and suggestions on how performance can be improved. It is also important to acknowledge the different needs of each individual team member. It is important, as manager, to know and recognise my own limitations and to share any concerns I have with colleagues. By holding regular team meetings this will provide an opportunity to share relevant information, make decisions as a team and provide support and help for team members.

There are useful communication tools which ensure that colleagues are kept informed about progress and objectives. As Manager I will be responsible for updating policies and procedures within the workplace therefore it is essential that you keep up to date with your knowledge in order to pass on relevant information to your colleagues.
Ø  Theories
The Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing model of” group development” was first proposed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965, who maintained that these phases are all necessary and inevitable in order for the team to grow, to face up to challenges, to tackle problems, to find solutions, to plan work, and to deliver results. This model has become the basis for subsequent models.

Ø  Forming
In the first stages of team building, the” forming” of the team takes place. The individual's behaviour is driven by a desire to be accepted by the others, and avoid controversy or conflict. Serious issues and feelings are avoided, and people focus on being busy with routines, such as team organization, who does what, when to meet, etc. But individuals are also gathering information and impressions - about each other, and about the scope of the task and how to approach it. This is a comfortable stage to be in, but the avoidance of conflict and threat means that not much actually gets done.
The forming stage of any team is important because, in this stage, the members of the team get to know one another, exchange some personal information, and make new friends. This is also a good opportunity to see how each member of the team works as an individual and how they respond to pressure.

Ø  Storming
Every group will next enter the “storming” stage in which different ideas compete for consideration. The team addresses issues such as what problems they are really supposed to solve, how they will function independently and together and what leadership model they will accept. Team members open up to each other and confront each other's ideas and perspectives. In some cases “storming” can be resolved quickly. In others, the team never leaves this stage. The maturity of some team members usually determines whether the team will ever move out of this stage. Some team members will focus on minutiae to evade real issues.

Ø  Norming
The team manages to have one goal and come to a mutual plan for the team at this stage. Some may have to give up their own ideas and agree with others in order to make the team function. In this stage, all team members take the responsibility and have the ambition to work for the success of the team's goals.

Ø  Performing
It is possible for some teams to reach the “performing stage”. These high-performing teams are able to function as a unit as they find ways to get the job done smoothly and effectively without inappropriate conflict or the need for external supervision. By this time, they are motivated and knowledgeable. The team members are now competent, autonomous and able to handle the decision-making process without supervision.

2.2 - Develop and agree common objectives when working with colleagues.

It is vitally important to be clear about what’s trying to be achieved and what colleagues are responsible for. Everyone needs to know what is expected of them and it needs to be possible to assess how well I am doing in working towards achieving my aims and objectives. In order to develop and agree common objectives when working with colleagues I may need to negotiate and make compromises in some areas. All planning, goal setting and targets must make sure they encompass the needs of the service user and they are at the centre of my planning.

By promoting relationships that respect colleague’s ideas and opinions, I am showing colleagues that I value their opinions. This can be achieved by having team meetings and giving the team members the chance to share ideas and give feedback on team working and to develop and agree objectives. This also ensures good relationships between team members and that colleagues are aware of the goals of the team and where they fit into those aims. Colleagues will work better in partnership when they are aware of their goals and share common objectives which they are all working towards together.

2.3 - Evaluate own working relationship with colleagues.

Team skills management is a recognised method (created by Belbin) to establish managerial style. Using a self-grading system an individual can establish a personal inventory of their skills, strengths and weaknesses. It is also possible to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses as an open and participatory leader by encouraging and putting procedures in place to receive feedback on my own performance as a leader from the team members and by providing opportunities for all those involved in the working relationship to express their views.

As team leader I can also complete self-appraisal. Self-appraisal is an important part of the Performance appraisal process where the employee themself gives the feedback or views and points regarding their performance. Usually this is done with the help of a self-appraisal form where the employee rates themself on various parameters, tells about their training needs, if any, talks about their accomplishments, strengths, weaknesses, problems faced etc. My effectiveness as leader can be assessed by measuring success against set targets and by reviewing objectives and checking progress.

2.4 - Deal constructively with any conflict that may arise with colleagues.

All managers will at some time, have to deal with conflict. The way I handle discord is a determining factor to success. Initially, I must communicate to gain a clear understanding of what is actually causing the conflict. Conflicts may have many different causes, for example, colleagues may have different work methods, with the same goals but different approaches to achieving them. A clash of personalities, stress and differing views can often all be sources of conflict. Conflict is not necessarily a bad thing providing that it is dealt with constructively. When dealing with a group of people conflict and dilemmas are inevitable. If a conflict or dilemma is dealt with successfully, not only will the problem be resolved but an increased understanding of each other and a situation may follow. Communication is a vital tool in dealing with conflict. In order to deal with the conflict the following steps can help:
ü  Identify the issue
ü  Propose several possible solutions
ü  Evaluate the alternatives
ü  Determine the best solution
ü  Implement
ü  Continual evaluation of the solution
Strategies to minimise conflicts should be embraced, such as respect for others, communicating your expectations, encouraging team work and empowering people. This is all vital when leading teams because it is inevitable that conflicts and dilemmas within the team or concerning the team will arise. It is important that these are solved effectively by using the most appropriate style for the situation to ensure that the team continues to work effectively and hopefully some lessons and development can come from the situation. A good way of preventing conflicts from erupting is by creating an atmosphere in which collaboration is valued and interpersonal differences are accepted.

3. Be able to establish and maintain working relationships with other professionals.

3.1 - Explain own role and responsibilities in working with other professionals.

In order to provide a person centred service for individuals. I will need to work in partnership with professionals from other agencies and organisations. For this to work successfully I need to be clear about my own role, responsibilities and limitations and also aware of the roles of other professionals; I need to be confident about my own standards and targets and respectful of those that apply to other services, actively seeking and respecting the knowledge and input others can make to delivering best outcomes for the service user. It is an important part of my role and responsibilities within partnership working to share my own skills and knowledge and also to take advantage of any opportunities to observe the practice of other professionals.   By making effective use of opportunities to draw upon their skills and expertise it will enable me to extend my own knowledge and understanding.

In order to work effectively with other professionals, I will need to interact with them in a manner likely to promote trust and confidence in the relationship. This will include the sharing of information, which must be complete and accurate, in order to assist them in their role. I should make sure that I work within the boundaries of my knowledge and responsibility and keep accurate records which are stored correctly in line with the data protection act and my organisations policies and procedures.

I will be able to contribute to planning and implementation of joint actions consistent with my role and responsibilities. I need to have the confidence to challenge issues where appropriate and be able to state my own judgements in an assertive manner. It is also my role and responsibility to upholding my work sectors principles and values whilst maintaining a professional approach.

To summarise I will need:
F  Effective communication skills – by listening and making sure I am listened to
F  Use plain language during communication not professional jargon
F  Provide timely, appropriate, succinct information to enable other   professionals to deliver their support to the individual
F  Record, summarise, share and feedback information.
F  Respect the contribution of others working with individuals
F  Share experience through formal and informal exchanges

3.2 - Develop procedures for effective working relationships with other professionals.

It is important to develop procedures for an effective working relationship with other professionals because as well as making my workplace more enjoyable to work in, the service users will benefit from a better service with better outcomes, when everyone works as a team. It will also help my organisation to maintain a professional image. In an effective relationship parties listen to and understand others’ positions and feelings. The simplest way to understand what is important to another person or to a group is to ask, then and listen to the answer. It is important to clearly define my own role and responsibilities and those of other professionals and agree common objectives, goals, targets and ways of working. I will need to exchange complete, accurate and up-to-date information with other professionals whilst respecting requirements for confidentiality. In order to ensure an effective working relationship this must be done in line with good practice, values and ethical requirements. Any commitments I have made should be fulfilled or advise people immediately if I am unable to do so. Any disagreements and complaints should be dealt with promptly, positively and in line with organisational procedures and professional guidelines and also in the best interests of the service users.

To summarise:
F  Multi-disciplinary working requires the establishment of shared protocols and   formalised procedures to help ensure consistent standards of care.
F  Developing an effective multi-disciplinary team requires the setting of clear objectives through the identification of need and the planning, purchasing and   financing of services
F  Effective planning
F  Consideration of how services are to be financed
F  Management of a multi-disciplinary team requires procedures to address the professional, training and developmental needs of individual team members.

3.3 - Agree common objectives when working with other professionals within the boundaries of own role and responsibilities.

I will need to build relationships with other professionals and be able to work effectively with them, both inside and outside of healthcare in order to deliver a high standard of care and to make sure of the service users safety. It is important to ensure that the service user remains the centre of the process. It is important to respect the skills and contributions of other professionals, and developing effective communication with other members of the team and with the service user. Common SMART objectives should be established in the beginning and be agreed by all involved in the partnership.

Ø  Specific. This means that they tell you exactly what to do.
Ø  Measurable. This means that there should be a way of telling when you have reached the goal.
Ø  Achievable. There is no point setting a goal that you cannot possibly achieve, as this will demotivate you. Be honest about your priorities in the coming weeks and do not try to do too much.
Ø  Relevant. The goal should help you to move towards your final goal, e.g. to achieve your key skills.
Ø  Timed. A deadline should be set   for achieving your goal

I must remain aware of the boundaries of my own role and responsibilities as detailed in my job description. My job description is a communication tool which will advise me where my job role ends and another person’s job role begins. Any agreements, objectives and plans should be recorded in line with my company’s policies and procedures and should detail my role and responsibilities and the role and responsibilities of others, so that everyone is clear on how they are involved, and the objectives, with agreed agendas on how they will be reached.

So what are objectives? Objectives are the outcomes I expect to achieve from my aims or goals. Objectives act as a reference to guide me through the planning process - they influence all the decisions I make. I will hold meetings with all those involved in planning and implementing the service user’s plan of care in order to discuss objectives and to agree an agenda of how these objectives will be achieved. A meeting is not simply a time to get together and discuss what is going on. The main purpose of most meetings is to reach agreement on how to progress in the future. It is important that decisions made in meetings are clearly recorded, so that everyone knows what will be done, who will do it and when it will be done. Written records of meetings are usually known as meeting minutes. They usually record who attended the meeting, what was discussed and what was decided.
I must establish the principle of transparency concerning the sharing of information. What types of information would be covered by this? How and by whom should information be made available by each of the party(ies)? What are the consequences of failing to make agreed information available to the other party(ies)? What are the agreed expectations concerning the sharing of information? What information can each organisation withhold from the other? What information may be used externally by each party? Me and my partners should agree an agenda at the start so that everyone is clear about the objectives, their personal responsibilities and the responsibilities of others in the partnership.

3.4 - Evaluate procedures for working with other professionals.

In order to evaluate procedures used for partnership working there has to be a system in place to monitor and review progress. This is where the importance of agreeing the outcomes and timescale at the beginning of the partnership are important. The evaluation should be carried out by monitoring, reviewing and measuring the progress made against set outcomes. Regular progress reports should be produced. If procedures are working well with all the professionals involved this will result in positive outcomes e.g. coordinated service provision, professional approach, clear roles and responsibilities, organised communication, avoidance of duplication, preventing mistakes, efficient use of resources. If the procedures are not working it could result in negative outcomes such as professional rivalry, miscommunication, time wasting and mismanagement of funding.

The impact of my organisations working with other professionals, on the service users, should be taken into account and their views and opinions should be listened to as part of the evaluation process. This part of the evaluation could be conducted by completion of a questionnaire by service users, if possible. Positive outcomes for the individual could include improved services, empowerment, autonomy, informed decision making whilst negative outcomes could consists of miscommunication, information overload, confusion, frustration, duplication of service provision and disempowerment.

3.5 - Deal constructively with any conflict that may arise with other professionals.

It is important for all members of a partnership to be aware that conflict is inevitable. Different philosophies, principles, priorities and codes of practice can have a positive effect on team working by providing a more thorough and well-rounded look at how the team should be working to achieve the best possible outcomes for service users. However if the different philosophies, principle, priorities and codes of practice are in conflict with one another it is possible that this will have a negative effect because there will be inconsistencies and this can result in confusion within the workplace. The team’s ability to meet all the needs of all agencies and partners can be difficult if they conflict. Conflict is not necessarily a bad thing providing that it is dealt with constructively. In social care work the team members have to deal with each other, multi organisational disciplines such as GP’s, family and friends of service users and the service users themselves. When dealing with this many people and their views conflict and dilemmas are not only inevitable but often daily occurrences. If a conflict or dilemma is dealt with successfully, not only will the problem be resolved but an increased understanding of each other and a situation may follow. There are several styles that can be adopted when dealing with conflicts or dilemmas;

Ø  Competitive
A competitive style is usually adopted by the person involved in the conflict that has more power. They know what they want and they are not willing to budge from their position. They want to win at the other person’s expense. This can be useful in situations of emergencies when the problem needs a quick resolution.
Ø  Collaborative
A person adopting this style is concerned with meeting the needs of all the people involved. In care this can be useful when balancing the needs of service users and the organisational requirements. The aim of this style is to achieve a win: win scenario following the conflict or dilemma because everyone has helped to establish the solution together. A person adopting this style is also concerned with everyone getting something that they want but possibly giving up something else, reaching a compromise and reaching a win: win situation.

Ø  Accommodating
A person adopting this style is concerned with meeting the needs of others at the expense of their own. This person is not assertive and highly cooperative. This style is appropriate when a peaceful outcome is more important than winning.

Ø  Avoiding
A person adopting this style is concerned with evading conflict and the dilemma entirely. This style is not very effective at resolving conflicts or dilemmas but is appropriate if there is no chance of winning for either side.

A good way to resolve conflicts and dilemmas is to follow some rules. It is based on both parties working together to find a mutually acceptable solution. This is however based on the assumption that there is sufficient common ground to make it worthwhile. I should
ü  Make sure that good relationships are my first priority
ü  Identify the issues
ü  Be open and honest
ü  Keep people and problems separate
ü  Pay attention to the interests that are being presented by listening
ü  Listen effectively first and talk second
ü  Non-judgemental approach
ü  Set out the facts
ü  Explore the options together

Another option is mediation, which involves including a third party into the situation. The mediator works with both parties passing on information and attempting to get the negotiations moving rather than coming to a halt. The mediator should be neutral and should not pass on their own opinions. They should build trust with both sides in order to be effective.

This is all vital when leading teams because it is inevitable that conflicts and dilemmas within the team or concerning the team will arise. It is important that these are solved effectively by using the most appropriate style for the situation to ensure that the team continues to work effectively and hopefully some lessons and development can come from the situation. A good way of preventing conflicts from erupting is by creating an atmosphere in which collaboration is valued and interpersonal differences are accepted but are not allowed to jeopardise cooperation.

4. Be able to work in partnership with others. 

4.1 - Analyse the importance of working in partnership with others.

It is essential that I work in partnership with all of the people surrounding the individuals I am supporting in order to ensure a person centred approach to their care and the best possible support and care is provided. Before discussing inter-agency co-operation and participation, it is important to consider how I can promote the participation and empowerment of the service user. No matter how effective the inter-agency collaboration and information sharing is, if the service user does not feel part of the process the chances of successful outcomes will be significantly reduced. I will need to work in partnership with carers, families, advocates and other people who are sometimes called “significant others”.   In order to work well in partnership, there has to be good communication and I will need to have good communication skills.   Others people may be able to provide useful information to support me in my work. They will have knowledge of the needs, wishes and preferences of the individual.   Also I may be able to provide useful information to support them in being part of the individual’s lives.

This is good partnership working. An example might be if there are communication difficulties.   A carer or family member can share information with you about how you can best communicate with an individual.   The importance of this is it enables the individual to be listened to and supported in ways that they desire and choose.

Information should be collated from all the available sources to build a picture of the individual life.   In doing so this will promote the individuals well-being and provide a holistic approach to their care needs.

4.2 - Develop procedures for effective working relationships with others.

The service users’ needs, preferences wishes and health care requirements need to remain at the centre of any procedures developed for an effective working relationship with them, their family or carers. They should be fully informed and involved in any decisions regarding their care and the delivery of any support they may need.   At the start of an individual’s care all those involved should discuss the care package, and establish a shared understanding. It will be necessary to set boundaries in various areas for example confidentiality, the recording and storage of information and the sharing of information with other agencies. Everyone involved should be aware of the complaints procedure in case of any future problems. Communication is an important area to discuss and regular contact and updates should be agreed in the beginning.
By developing and building good relationships with all concerned and by ensuring my colleagues are aware of procedures an effective working relationship will be established. I should provide staff with feedback and suggestions of areas requiring improvement.

4.3 - Agree common objectives when working with others within the boundaries of own role and responsibilities.

Agreeing common objectives with others within the boundaries of own role and responsibilities is done by maintaining a professional relationship and both having an input into the plan of care and what needs to be done to meet the care needs. It needs to be ensured that each others opinions and views are respected and listened to and that each individual specialising in each area has an input and shares their knowledge and the links they have access to.

4.4 - Evaluate procedures for working with others.

To evaluate procedures when working with others is to ensure the best method is being used and that the communication is reaching the other parties effectively and being understood. Ensure that all parties are happy with the procedures and ask for their input in any changes they feel they would like to input to make it more effective.

Outcomes for users of services:
Ø  positive outcomes : will result in improved services, empowerment, autonomy, informed decision making;
Ø  negative outcomes : will result in neglect, abuse, harm, anger, miscommunication, information overload, confusion, frustration, duplication of service provision, disempowerment

4.5 - Deal constructively with any conflict that may arise with others.

Conflicts are inevitable and it is possible to develop the skills required to deal with them in a constructive way in order to minimise the effects they can have. Good communication and even more importantly listening skills are the key to managing ethical dilemmas and conflicts for individuals. I should try to establish what has caused the conflict, be non-judgemental in my approach and establish a common ground to work from. Show empathy and try to understand their point of view and attempt to mediate a resolution by formulating points of agreement. Conflicts can be made worse or more frequent by someone’s illness or condition. Some conflicts may prove more difficult to deal with than others especially when it involves one person’s rights as opposed to another person’s rights.
I should ensure that all service users are aware of the complaints procedure wherever possible and have support from staff to file a complaint. In ensuring this it is promoting the service users rights choices and well-being and builds a trusting relationship between them, their family and the establishment I work for.




Ø  The learning, teaching and assessment of partnership work in social work education

Ø  Successful Partnership Working

Ø  Working Partnership

Ø  Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care Level 5 – By Nelson Thornes.


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